Best Practice: When designating a location, it should be where the issue is. If the issue is a common area, please try to be as specific as possible (Townsend, Bottom Floor, near room X etc).
Create a ticket for the following scenarios. This is not a comprehensive list, but more of a guideline.
- Select Category Facilities, sub category General Maintenance
- Pest issues
- Broken office furniture
- Minor repairs
Select Category Facilities, sub category Water Utility Issue
- This category is for water utility customers (non-JAARS)
- Select Category Facilities, sub category Heating/ Air Conditioning/ Appliance
- Heating/ Air conditioning not working
- Appliance in housing malfunctioning
Select Category Facilities, sub category Locks & Keys
- Lock not functioning
- Damaged key
- Select Category Facilities, sub category Janitorial Issue
- Use "Housing Janitorial Need" for any janitorial issue in a housing unit
- Use "Office Building Janitorial Need" for janitorial issue in office building
Select Category Facilities, sub category Electrical Issue
- Light/s are not working
- Loss of power to receptacle
- Select Category Facilities, sub category Pool Issue
- Select "Maintenance" for any maintenance issues with the pool
- Select" Membership/ Other" for any issues relating to membership
- Select "Gate Issue" for any issues for the gate not functioning properly
Select Category Facilities, sub category Plumbing Issue
- Leaky faucet
- Toilet not functioning
Create a service request for the following scenarios (Note: Not all SRs are available to Campus Tenants)